it was because umako ' s wife was a sister of moriya and they claimed their inheritance rights . 馬子の妻が守屋の妹であるので物部氏の相続権があると主張したためである。
even when the fudai and nihanba ranked families did not hold an official position within the shogunate , they would receive a stipend and were granted inheritance rights to their estates . 譜代と二半場は、無役(幕府の公職に任ぜられていない状態)であっても、俸禄の支給を受け、惣領に家督を相続させて身分と俸禄を伝えることができた。
on january 26 , 758 , daijokan (grand council of state ) specified that hoshikawa no maro had produced the achievements of chuko (3rd level of 4 level of inheritance rights of koden ) and his koden (rice fields given to vassals or their families for their achievements ) should be inherited by two generations , to define his koden 4-cho (39672 square meters ). 天平宝字元年(757年)12月9日に、太政官は星川麻呂の功田4町の扱いを定めるために彼の功績を論じて中功とし、2世に伝えると定めた。